
ジェロナグラでの日本語教師生活日記、近郊の街、おいしい食べ物 ポーランドの文化 気がついたこと徒然なるままに。

Photon Robot (Chapter 10/Reunion-4)第10章は中国が舞台です


最後のChapter 10は「中国」が舞台です。


「 a particle representing a quantum of light or other electromagnetic radiation.

A photon carries energy proportional to the radiation frequency but has zero rest mass.」









1   Do you still  remember what we did in Lesson 1and 3

 2   your task will be create a program using knowlage

      from these two lessons .

 3   I should drive nonstop and chacking for a wall.

 4   if the wall is less than 40cm away from me 

      I should cange color to red

      and I start  looking around...

 5   if the wall is less than 80cm away from me

      I should cange color to yellow

      and I start  looking around...

 6    if I don't detect the walll, I should change my color   to green.

 7    Looking around means to turn clockwise and check

       if there is anything block my way  less than 40cm away     from me ...

 8    if there is, I should turn 180 degrees

       and check  if there is any obstacle less than 40 cm from   me there....

 9    if there is, I should turn left.

10   Once all these steps are completed

  I should start drive endlessly .The program should start   driving endlessly.

  The program should return to the beginning.






最後のNo9 「   if there is, I should turn left.」






こんなアドバイスをいただきました 。でも残念ながらクリアーできません

Dzień dobry  :)


Don't worry, this stage is difficult for everyone!

I'll be happy to help you. ;)


1. According to the instruction if the

robot doesn't detect the wall,

he should change his color to green.

In your program he changes his color only

when the wall is more than 80 cm away from


To correct this part of the program you should

remove the "If obstacle" block and leave only

"Change color".


2. Then the robot needs to look around.

At first he should turn clockwise - it means

that he has to turn left not 360 degrees.


3. After that he should check if there's any

obstacle blocking his way.

The robot has to check this condition only at

that one moment so there's no need to add

the "Infinity" loop here. 


4. If there's an obstacle he should turn 180

degrees and this part is correct.

Notice that after turning he should check

again if there's any obstacle less than 40 cm

away from him

and if there is, he should turn left. 

This part is missing in your program.


5. At the end the robot should start driving

endlessly and you did it well. :)

Let me know if the tips above helped! I look

forward to hearing back from you.






一応、それらしい動きはするのですが、ターン180度 したところで止まってしまい、目の前に障害物を差し出すとまた動き出すという状態です。



ポーランド語でDzień dobryと冒頭に挨拶したら「おはようございます」と返ってきました。







おはようございます  :)

Here are my tips for you:
1. Your program should start with the "Drive forward" block. The part with detecting obstacles and changing colors is correct. 

2. After turning right the robot should check if there's any obstacle blocking his way. 
When you use the "Repeat" block and the "If there's obstacle" block it means that the robot has to wait for an obstacle to go on.
According to the instructions, the robot has to check this condition only at that one moment so there's no need to add the "Repeat" block here you should remove it.
3. If there's an obstacle he should turn 180 degrees and this part is correct.
After that he should check again if there's any obstacle less than 40 cm away from him and if there is, he should turn left. Notice that he should check this condition after detecting an obstacle from point 2.
You should place the second "If there's obstacle" block inside the first "If there's obstacle" block.
That will cause the robot to check if there's a second obstacle on his way after detecting the first one.
I hope my tips are understandable. :) I will wait for the screenshot with the changes made!







 Your program is perfect! :)

After pressing the "start" button you should get a message

"Challenge complete! Tap [Stop] to finish". When you tap stop

you're going to clear this stage. :)

Let me know if you completed this challenge.




ふと思いついて、「Green」と指示があるところを「Light Green」に替えてみました。そうしたら、見事にクリアーすることができました。

